4036 publications
County Court Bulletin January to March 2019
This bulletin provides information on throughput at County Courts in Northern Ireland during the period January to March 2019 and commentary on trends observed for this quarter in each year from 2007.
Northern Ireland Poverty Bulletin, 2017 to 2018
Information on Household Income and poverty rates in Northern Ireland
Security Situation Statistics for Northern Ireland, period ending 31 March 2019
Finalised PSNI statistics relating to the security situation in Northern Ireland for the period 1 April 2018 - 31 March 2019.
Police recorded crime in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 March 2019
Finalised PSNI recorded crime statistics for the period 1 April 2018 - 31 March 2019, incorporating knife/sharp instrument crime figures.
Quarterly Direct Payment Statistics for Northern Ireland (March 2019)
Direct payments are cash payments, made in lieu of social service provisions, to individuals who have been assessed as needing services.
Mortgages: Actions for Possession Bulletin January to March 2019
This bulletin provides statistics for cases received (writs and originating summonses issued), cases disposed and final orders made in respect of mortgages in the Chancery Division of the Northern Ireland High Court for the …
Quarterly Child Protection Statistics for NI (January - March 2019)
This publication presents information on the number of children on the child protection register at the end of each quarter by age, gender, category of abuse, legal status and duration on the register. The number of child pr…
Perceptions of Policing and Justice: Findings from the 2017/18 Northern Ireland Crime Survey
Perceptions of Policing and Justice: Findings from the 2017/18 Northern Ireland Crime Survey
Registrar General quarterly report (Northern Ireland): Jul-Sep 2018
Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships registered in Northern Ireland during each quarter.
NI labour market statistics: May 2019
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobseekers, vacancies and redundancies.
Crown Court bulletin January to March 2019
This bulletin provides information on throughput at Crown Courts in Northern Ireland during the period January to March 2019 and commentary on trends observed for this quarter in each year from 2007.
Magistrates' Court Bulletin January to March 2019
This bulletin provides information on throughput at the Magistrates’ Courts in Northern Ireland during the period January to March 2019 and commentary on trends observed for this quarter in each year from 2007.
Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin October-December 2018
A quarterly bulletin containing information on new housing starts and completions, homelessness, the Northern Ireland House Price Index and new dwelling sales and prices.
Northern Ireland Family Practitioner Services – Key Business Volumes (provisional) Coverage – 2018/19
Provisional high level activity and payment statistics related to Northern Ireland General Medical Services, Community Dentistry, Community Ophthalmic and Community Pharmaceutical Services for 2018/19.
Employment Vacancies – Statistical Bulletin 2018-19 Financial Year
This factsheet presents information on employment vacancies which have been notified to the Department for Communities (DfC) JobCentres / Jobs & Benefits Offices (JCs and J&BOs).
Emergency care waiting time statistics in Northern Ireland: January to March 2019
Information on waiting times at emergency care departments in the north of Ireland: January to March 2019
Graduated Driver Licensing Monitoring Report 2019
To assess the impact GDL has on road safety
Benefit Cap Report Northern Ireland
The Benefit Cap Report Northern Ireland analyses the impact of the introduction of the Benefit Cap in June 2016, until January 2019. It looks at the geographical spread of those on the cap, as well as the family make up and…
Indicators of Work Quality in Northern Ireland, 2018
Job satisfaction 2018, under and over employment 2015-2018 and permanent/temporary employment 2015-2018.
Northern Ireland Migrant Access to Benefits
Research on the behaviour of non-UK Nationals living in Northern Ireland, specifically with regard to their current and historical interaction with the Social Security Benefit system