4038 publications
Northern Ireland planning statistics October - December 2018
Provisional quarterly results for the third quarter of 2018/19. Northern Ireland planning volumes and processing performance data.
Northern Ireland Broad Economy Sales & Exports Statistics 2017 - Goods
This release provides annual estimates of the sales and exports of goods and services generated by Northern Ireland businesses.
Public Transport Journey Planning in Northern Ireland 2017/18
This report presents findings from the 2017/18 Continuous Household Survey in relation to public attitudes to and awareness of resources for planning journeys on public transport.
Labour Force Survey Annual Report Summary 2018
This report provides an overview of the main indicators from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) for 2018.
NI labour market statistics: March 2019
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobseekers, vacancies and redundancies.
Security Situation Statistics for Northern Ireland, period ending 28 February 2019
Monthly update of statistics relating to the security situation in Northern Ireland.
Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland: Year Ending December 2018
Reports on performance against the Programme for Government target to “Encourage achievement of 20% of electricity consumption from renewable sources by 2015” and the Executive’s Strategic Energy Framework target to achieve …
Working and workless households in NI: Oct-Dec 2018
Information about households and the adults and children living in them by their economic activity status in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Homelessness Bulletin April-September 2018
A biannual statistics report which provides information on a range of topics surrounding homelessness in Northern Ireland.
Drug-related deaths and Deaths due to Drug Misuse in Northern Ireland, 2007-2017
Statistics relating to drug related deaths and deaths due to drug misuse
Hate incidents and crimes in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 December 2018
Quarterly update of incidents and crimes with a hate motivation reported to PSNI.
Anti-social behaviour incidents in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 January 2019
Monthly update of PSNI anti-social behaviour statistics.
Cycling in Northern Ireland, 2017/18
This report presents findings from the 2017/18 Continuous Household Survey in relation to cycling in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland waiting lists, outpatient waiting times: October to December 2018
Provides information on waiting times for a first outpatient assessment at a consultant-led service in Northern Ireland at 31st December 2018
Road Safety Issues in Northern Ireland, 2017/18
This report presents information from the 2017/2018 Continuous Household Survey (CHS) in relation to the attitudes, awareness and behaviour of respondents to specific road safety issues.
Steps 2 Success: NI Statistics from October 2014 to December 2018
Details on the number of referrals and starts on the Steps 2 Success programme and the number of moves into employment up to 31st December 2018
Wellbeing and Engagement in culture, arts and sport by adults in Northern Ireland, 2017/18
An annual publication containing survey results on wellbeing and engagement in culture, arts and sport by adults in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Annual Coal Inquiry: 2018
Data on the tonnage of coal and other solid fuels shipped into Northern Ireland ports.
Police recorded crime in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 January 2019
Monthly update of PSNI recorded crime statistics, incorporating knife/sharp instrument crime figures.
Qualifications gained at UK Higher Education Institutions: NI analysis 2017/18
Characteristics of students gaining qualifications from UK and NI higher education institutions, in the 2017/18 academic year.