4038 publications
Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin July to September 2018
A quarterly bulletin containing information on new housing starts and completions, homelessness, the Northern Ireland House Price Index and new dwelling sales and prices.
Crown Court Bulletin October to December 2018
This bulletin provides information on throughput at Crown Courts in Northern Ireland during the period October to December 2018 and commentary on trends observed for this quarter in each year from 2007.
Security Situation Statistics for Northern Ireland, period ending 31 January 2019
Monthly update of statistics relating to the security situation in Northern Ireland.
Magistrates' Court Bulletin October to December 2018
This bulletin provides information on throughput at the Magistrates’ Courts in Northern Ireland during the period October to December 2018 and commentary on trends observed for this quarter in each year from 2007.
Widening Participation Performance Indicator in HE 2017/18
Summary of Widening Participation Performance Indicator for Northern Ireland Higher Education Institutions.
Method of Travel to/from school by pupils in Northern Ireland 2017/18
The report presents data from the 2017/18 Continuous Household Survey (CHS) in relation to travel to school by children in Northern Ireland.
Labour Force Survey Religion Report 2017
This report presents information on the labour market characteristics of Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland.
June agricultural and horticultural survey, statistical report, NI: 2018
Detailed analyses of the results of the Northern Ireland June Agricultural and Horticultural survey. This includes time series data and geographical disaggregation.
Anti-social behaviour incidents in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 December 2018
Monthly update of PSNI anti-social behaviour statistics.
Attendance at grant-aided primary, post-primary and special schools in Northern Ireland – 2017/18
The purpose of this statistical bulletin is to present detailed, final attendance figures for schools for the 2017/18 academic year. It includes information on the rates of absence, type of absence and reason for absence. A…
Police recorded crime in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 December 2018
Monthly update of PSNI recorded crime statistics, incorporating knife/sharp instrument crime figures.
Motoring offences statistics in Northern Ireland to 30 November 2018
Monthly update of statistics relating to Motoring Offences in Northern Ireland.
Employment Vacancies – Statistics from October to December 2018
This factsheet presents information on employment vacancies which have been notified to the Department for Communities(DfC) JobCentres/Jobs & Benefits Offices (JCs and J&BOs).
Police recorded injury road traffic collisions and casualties Northern Ireland monthly report to 30 November 2018
Monthly statistics update relating to injury road traffic collisions reported to Police.
Emergency care waiting time statistics in Northern Ireland: October to December 2018
Information on waiting times at emergency care departments in Northern Ireland during the quarter October – December 2018
Northern Ireland local authority collected municipal waste management statistics report - Jul-Sep 2018
This is a quarterly publication which reports provisional figures on the key measurements of local authority collected municipal waste for councils and waste management groups in Northern Ireland.
School Omnibus Survey 2018
The School Omnibus Survey is an annual multi-purpose survey of all grant-aided schools covering a variety of topics. The purpose of the survey is to collect specific information from schools which is not available from anoth…
Benefit Cap Statistics - October 2018
Provides summary statistics on the the impact of the Benefit Cap policy in Northern Ireland and on the demographics of affected households.
Northern Ireland termination of pregnancy statistics 2017/18
Presents information on the number of medical abortions and terminations of pregnancies at health and social care (HSC) trusts in Northern Ireland during 2006/07 to 2017/18. It details information by HSC trust, country of re…
NI labour market statistics: January 2019
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobseekers, vacancies and redundancies.