4038 publications
Quarterly Direct Payment Statistics for Northern Ireland (September 2018)
These tables detail payments made in lieu of social service provision to individuals who have been assessed as needing services.
Patient Education / Self Management Programmes for People with Long Term Conditions 2017/18
Presents statistical information on patient education / self management programmes for long term conditions collected from health and social care trusts and independent programme providers.
High Court Bulletin July to September 2018
This publication contains information on the High Court in Northern Ireland in relation to the Chancery, Queen’s Bench and Family Divisions.
County Court Bulletin July to September 2018
Provides information on the county court in Northern Ireland in relation to cases received and disposed, waiting times and sittings.
Mortgages: Actions for Possession Bulletin July to September 2018
Data on cases received and disposed and orders made in respect of mortgages in the Chancery Division of the Northern Ireland High Court.
Self-efficacy, Locus of Control & Life Satisfaction in Northern Ireland 2017/18
This report provides figures for Northern Ireland on three metrics: Self-efficacy; Locus of Control; and Life Satisfaction.
Statistical Bulletin Quarters 1-2 2018/19
The PPS publishes a regular Quarterly Statistical Bulletin which presents an overview of caseloads, decisions and outcomes.
NI labour market statistics: November 2018
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobseekers, vacancies and redundancies.
Crown Court Bulletin July to September 2018
Information on the Crown Court in Northern Ireland in relation to cases and defendants received and disposed, waiting times, pleas, findings and sittings.
Magistrates' Court Bulletin July to September 2018
This publication contains information on the criminal magistrates' adult and youth courts and civil magistrates' courts in Northern Ireland.
Registrar General Northern Ireland Annual Report 2017
Annual statistics on population, births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin April - June 2018
A quarterly bulletin containing information on new housing starts and completions, homelessness, the Northern Ireland House Price Index and new dwelling sales and prices.
Employment Vacancies – Statistics from July to September 2018.
Factsheet containing list of vacancies notified to DfC between July and September 2018.
Quality and Outcomes Framework, achievement and exceptions data Northern Ireland 2017-18
The quality and outcomes framework (QOF) is the annual reward and incentive programme detailing GP practice achievement results.
Emergency care waiting time statistics in Northern Ireland: July to September 2018
Information on waiting times at emergency care departments in Northern Ireland during the quarter July – September 2018
Northern Ireland local authority collected municipal waste management statistics report: April to June 2018
This is a quarterly publication which reports provisional figures on the key measurements of local authority collected municipal waste for councils and waste management groups in Northern Ireland.
Experience of sport in Northern Ireland 2017/18
An annual publication containing survey results on experience of the sport in Northern Ireland.
NI Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2018
The distribution and make-up of earnings and hours worked, by sex and full-time and part-time status, for employees in all industries and occupations.
Youth Justice Agency Annual Workload Statistics 2017/18
Report on statistics for the last five financial years for Custodial Services and Youth Justice Services within the Youth Justice Agency.
Benefit Cap Statistics - July 2018
Provides summary statistics on the impact of the Benefit Cap policy in Northern Ireland and on the demographics of affected households.