4038 publications
Statistics on Community Care for Adults in Northern Ireland 2017/18
This report presents information on a range of community activity gathered from HSC Trusts.
Clinical and social care negligence cases in Northern Ireland: financial year ending March 2018
A statistical summary of clinical/social care negligence cases open at any stage during 2017/18, including an analysis of new cases opened, closed and all monies paid on cases open at any stage during 2017/18
NI labour market statistics: October 2018
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobseekers, vacancies and redundancies.
Childrens Social Care Statistics for Northern Ireland 2017/18
This bulletin presents childrens social care activity data by Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland
Statistical Bulletin: Cases Involving Sexual Offences 2017/18
PPS annual statistics on caseloads, decisions and outcomes in cases involving sexual offences.
Northern Ireland Composite Economic Index (NICEI) - Q2 2018
NICEI is an experimental quarterly measure of the performance of the Northern Ireland (NI) economy based on available official statistics.
Statistical Bulletin Indicator 31 Percentage of the population who think all leisure centres, parks, libraries and shopping centres are 'shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics
Statistical bulletin reporting on one of the population indicators that informs Outcome 9 of the Outcomes Delivery Plan 2018 2019
Statistical Bulletin Indicator 35 Percentage of the population who believe their cultural identity is respected by society
Statistical bulletin reporting on one of the population indicators that informs Outcome 9 of the Outcomes Delivery Plan 2018 2019
Northern Ireland Good Relations Indicators Annual Update October 2018
An annual publication monitoring progress against the Together: Building a United Community Strategy.
Case Processing Time for Criminal Cases dealt with at Courts in Northern Ireland 2017/18
Information on the average Case Processing Time for Criminal Cases dealt with in the Crown and magistrates’ courts in Northern Ireland
Children Adopted from Care in Northern Ireland 2017/18
This statistical bulletin provides information on children adopted from care in Northern Ireland during year ending 31 March 2018
Adult and Youth Reoffending in Northern Ireland (2015/16 Cohort)
This bulletin provides information on the one year proven reoffending rate for offenders who received a non-custodial disposal at court, a diversionary disposal or were released from custody during 2015/16. Information will…
Northern Ireland Road Safety Strategy to 2020 annual statistical report 2018
The NI Road Safety Strategy to 2020 annual statistical report monitors the progress of the strategy against agreed targets and key performance indicators.
Northern Ireland Transport Statistics 2017-2018
The Northern Ireland transport statistics publication brings together a variety of useful transport information published by a number of different sources.
Northern Ireland Business Register and Employment Survey 2017
The total number of employee jobs in Northern Ireland. Industry and geography breakdowns provided.
Experience of culture and the arts in Northern Ireland 2017 to 2018
An annual publication containing survey results on experience of the arts, museums, libraries and PRONI in Northern Ireland.
Sickness absence in the Northern Ireland Civil Service, 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018
Statistics on sickness absence levels in the Northern Ireland Civil Service.
Labour Force Survey Annual Report 2017
This report provides detailed geographical analysis of the main indicators from the Labour Force Survey (LFS).
Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over, Northern Ireland 2017
This release contains a further breakdown of the most recent mid-year Northern Ireland population estimates for the population aged 85 and over.
Northern Ireland planning statistics bulletin: April 2018 to June 2018
Provisional quarterly results for the first quarter of 2018/19. Northern Ireland planning volumes and processing performance data.