4038 publications
Northern Ireland Benefits Statistics Summary: Feb 10 to Nov 15
Provides an up to date overview and history of the main benefits administered by the Social Security Agency (SSA).
Attendance at grant-aided primary, post-primary and special schools: 2014 to 2015 - detailed statistics
Detailed attendance statistics for schools for the 2014/15 academic year. It includes information on the levels of absence, type of absence and reason for absence.
Labour force survey religion report: 2014 edition
Compares Catholic and Protestant labour market outcomes in Northern Ireland.
Qualifications at UK higher education institutions: NI analysis 2014-15
The bulletin provides details of qualifications gained by NI domiciled students at UK higher education institutions (HEIs) and all students at NI HEIs for 2014-15
Enrolments at UK higher education institutions: NI analysis 2014-15
The bulletin provides details of NI domiciled students enrolled at UK higher education institutions (HEIs) and all students enrolled at NI HEIs for 2014-15
NI labour market statistics: February 2016
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobseekers, vacancies and redundancies.
Northern Ireland Broad Economy Sales & Exports Statistics
This release provides annual estimates of the sales & exports generated by Northern Ireland businesses
Baby Names (Northern Ireland) 2015
The most popular baby names that were registered in Northern Ireland in 2015
Northern Ireland Air Passenger Flow - February 2016
A range of air passenger statistics for Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Tourism Statistics: Oct-14 to Sept-15
Annual statistics on the volume and value of tourism in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin July to September 2015
A quarterly bulletin containing information on new housing starts and completions, homelessness, the Residential Property Price Index and new dwelling sales and prices.
Performance indicators in higher education: widening participation 2014-15
The indicators provide comparative data on the performance of institutions in widening participation, for the 2014-15 academic year.
June agricultural and horticultural survey, statistical report, NI: 2015
Detailed analyses of the results of the Northern Ireland June Agricultural and Horticultural survey. This includes time series data and geographical disaggregation.
Perceptions of Crime: Findings from the 2014/15 NI Crime Survey
Perceptions of Crime: Findings from the 2014/15 Northern Ireland Crime Survey
Manufactured Animal feed statistics Northern Ireland - Monthly 2016
Animal Feed Statistics for Northern Ireland, published monthly
Northern Ireland local authority collected municipal waste management statistics report: July to September 2015
This is a quarterly publication which reports provisional figures on the key measurements of local authority collected municipal waste for councils and waste management groups in Northern Ireland.
Facts & Figures from the Inter Departmental Business Register 2015
An overview of the number and characteristics of VAT and/or PAYE registered businesses in Northern Ireland for 2015
Pensioners' Income Series for Northern Ireland, 2013 to 2014
The bulletin contains estimates of the levels and trends of pensioners' incomes.
Attendance at grant-aided primary, post-primary and special schools: 2014 to 2015 - summary statistics
The purpose of this statistical first release is to present basic attendance figures for schools for the 2014/15 academic year.
Cycling in Northern Ireland May 2015
This report presents findings from the Northern Ireland Omnibus Survey May 2015 in relation to cycling in Northern Ireland.