4038 publications
Crop yields and production estimates (Northern Ireland) 2015
Estimates of the yield and production of crops in Northern Ireland.
June agricultural and horticultural survey final results, NI: 2015
Final results of the Northern Ireland June Agricultural and Horticultural survey.
Cycling and walking to/ from work in Northern Ireland: 2014/15
This report presents data from the 2014/15 Continuous Household Survey (CHS) in relation to cycling and walking to work.
Northern Ireland local authority collected municipal waste management statistics report: financial year ending March 2015
Report on measurements of local authority collected municipal waste, relating to waste arisings, recycling, composting and disposal for the three waste management groups and district councils in Northern Ireland.
Steps 2 Success: NI statistics from October 2014 to September 2015
Statistics presented include details on the number of referrals and starts to the Steps 2 Success programme up to 30th September 2015.
Method of Travel to/from School by Pupils in NI, 2014/2015
This report presents data from the 2014/15 Continuous Household Survey in relation to the method of travel to/from school by children in Northern Ireland.
Population Estimates for Small Areas in Northern Ireland 2013-14
New estimates of the total population in 4,537 Small Areas in Northern Ireland for 2013 and 2014, as well as revised estimates for 2012.
NI Quarterly Supplement to the Labour Market Report: Jul-Sep 2015
A detailed analysis of the most recent quarterly information from the Northern Ireland Labour Force Survey.
Northern Ireland Health & Social Care Inequalities Monitoring System - Health Inequalities in Northern Ireland: Key Facts 2015
This report presents the latest position and inequality gaps for a range of health outcomes included within the HSCIMS series.
Steps 2 Success: NI statistics from October 2014 to June 2015
Statistics presented include details on the number of referrals and starts to the Steps 2 Success programme up to 30th June 2015.
Steps 2 Success: NI statistics from October 2014 to March 2015
Statistics presented include details on the number of referrals and starts to the Steps 2 Success programme up to 31st March 2015.
Northern Ireland Research & Development 2014 Headline Results
This release provides a summary of R&D activity in Northern Ireland, and covers business, higher education and government expenditure.
NI Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2015
Publish: 18th November 2015
Northern Ireland Residential Property Price Index: Jul-Sep 2015
Quarterly composite index of house and apartment price indices in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Housing Statistics 2014-15
The NI Housing Statistics report is an annual compendium of statistics containing information on a range of areas relating to housing.
Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin April to June 2015
A quarterly bulletin containing information on new housing starts and completions, homelessness, the Residential Property Price Index and new dwelling sales and prices..
NI labour market statistics: November 2015
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobseekers, vacancies and redundancies.
Monthly Births and Deaths (Northern Ireland): September 2015
Number of births and deaths registered each month in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Population Projections 2014
Projected population of Northern Ireland by age and sex, with mid-2014 as the base year (part of the UK National Population Projections).
Northern Ireland Tourism Statistics July 2014 – June 2015
12 month statistics on the volume and value of tourism in Northern Ireland