4038 publications
Working and workless households in Northern Ireland: Jul-Sep 2022
Information about households and the adults and children living in them by their economic activity status in Northern Ireland.
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 9 December 2022
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 9 December 2022
DVA Monthly Tests Conducted Statistics: November 2022
A monthly publication providing statistics on vehicle, driver, and theory tests conducted by the Driver & Vehicle Agency (DVA) in Northern Ireland.
Police Use of Force statistics for Northern Ireland, period ending 30 September 2022
Six monthly update of use of force by PSNI, including AEP (Attenuating Energy Projectile), police baton, irritant spray, firearms, police dogs, CED (conductive energy device) and water cannon.
Perceptions of Sentencing: Findings from the 2019/20 Northern Ireland Safe Community Survey
The focus of this publication is on a module contained within the Northern Ireland Safe Community Survey relating to respondents’ awareness and perceptions of different types of sentences.
Census 2021: main statistics for Northern Ireland (phase 2)
Key summary statistics for the following census topics: health, disability and unpaid care, and housing and accommodation for Northern Ireland and the 11 Local Government Districts.
Northern Ireland Housing Statistics 2021 to 2022
An annual compendium of statistics which provides information on a range of areas relating to housing in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Index of Production: Quarter 3 2022
Quarterly Index of the Northern Ireland private sector production output.
Northern Ireland Index of Services: Quarter 3 2022
Quarterly index of the Northern Ireland private sector services output.
Northern Ireland Planning Monitoring Framework 2021/22
Annual update of the Northern Ireland Planning Monitoring Framework for 2021/22. Note: excel data tables only will be released on 15 December 2022.
Northern Ireland Research & Development 2021 Results
This release provides a summary of R&D activity in Northern Ireland, and covers business, higher education and government expenditure.
Northern Ireland Retail Sales Index: Quarter 3 2022
Quarterly index of the Northern Ireland private retail sales output.
Statistics from the Northern Ireland Substance Misuse Database 2021/22 (Experimental statistics)
This report summarises information on people presenting to services with problem drug and/or alcohol use during 2021/22
Winter Mortality 2020/21 (Northern Ireland)
The expected number of deaths is a 4 month average of the number of non-winter deaths: deaths in the two four month periods which precede winter (August to November) and follow winter (April to July).
Further Education Sector Activity in Northern Ireland: 2017/18 to 2021/22
This statistical bulletin presents a range of analysis regarding enrolments and students in the NI FE Sector covering academic years 2017/18 to 2021/22.
Child Maintenance Service statistics Northern Ireland: data to September 2022 (experimental)
This quarterly publication provides an overview on the performance of the Child Maintenance Service in Northern Ireland. This publication contains information up to the quarter ending September 2022.
Northern Ireland Broad Economy Sales & Exports Statistics 2021
This release provides annual estimates of the sales & purchases generated by Northern Ireland businesses.
Quarterly Employment Survey: September 2022
The release provides short-term employee jobs estimates for NI on a quarterly basis, which are also used by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to feed into the calculation of the quarterly workforce jobs estimates for …
NI Labour Market statistics: December 2022
The NI Labour Market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, employees, jobseekers, vacancies, redundancies and earnings.
Monthly Births (Northern Ireland): November 2022
Monthly Births (Northern Ireland): November 2022