4038 publications
Monthly Deaths (Northern Ireland): November 2022
Monthly Deaths (Northern Ireland): November 2022
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 2 December 2022
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 2 December 2022
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, Northern Ireland weekly report 9 December 2022
This report presents the latest findings for Northern Ireland from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey.
Security Situation Statistics for Northern Ireland, period ending 30 November 2022
Monthly update of statistics relating to the security situation in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Planning Statistics: July to September 2022
Provisional quarterly results for the second quarter of 2022/23. Northern Ireland planning volumes and processing performance data.
Northern Ireland tourism alternative data sources: December 2022
The statistics will include a range of information on the most up to date tourism statistics.
Northern Ireland Air Passenger Flow Statistics: Quarter 3 (2022)
A range of air passenger statistics for Northern Ireland.
Quarterly Carers Statistics for Northern Ireland (September 2022)
This bulletin presents findings from the latest survey of carers’ statistics for Northern Ireland.
Annual enrolments at grant-aided schools in Northern Ireland, 2022-23: Basic provisional statistics
This first release of the basic statistics from the school enrolments census, contains information which is used in the process to allocate funding to schools. These figures are provisional and subject to change.
Youth Engagement Statistics for Northern Ireland 2021 to 2022
Annual report on outcomes in relation to the Youth Engagement process, for young people coming into contact with the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland.
NI Analytical Input-Output tables 2017 & 2018
NI Analytical Input-Output tables 2017 & 2018 – industry by industry
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 25 November 2022
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 25 November 2022
Annual Crime Statistics Trends Report 2021/22
Annual trends report on crimes recorded by the police in Northern Ireland, financial years 1998/99 to 2021/22.
Annual Domestic Abuse Trends Report 2021/22
Annual trends report on domestic abuse incidents and crimes recorded by the police in Northern Ireland, financial years 2004/05 to 2021/22.
Annual Hate Motivation Trends Report 2021/22
Annual trends report on hate motivated incidents and crimes recorded by the police in Northern Ireland, financial years 2004/05 to 2021/22.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, Northern Ireland weekly report 2 December 2022
This report presents the latest findings for Northern Ireland from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey.
Investigating the impact of the Cycling Proficiency Scheme in schools in Northern Ireland, 2022
This paper considers any changes in the attitudes of children towards road safety issues associated with cycling following the completion of the Cycling Proficiency Scheme in 2022.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey – antibody data for Northern Ireland, 1 December 2022
This report presents the latest antibody data for Northern Ireland from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey.
Northern Ireland local authority collected municipal waste management statistics annual report 2021/22
This is an annual publication which reports final figures on the key measurements of local authority collected municipal waste for councils and waste management groups in Northern Ireland.
Statistical Bulletin: Cases Involving Sexual Offences 2021/22
PPS statistics on caseloads, decisions and outcomes in cases involving sexual offences for the financial year 2021/22