Assessment of burden on businesses, households and individuals

Historical reports providing summary details on the burden to business, households and individuals of complying with Government statistical surveys.

    Cost Burden to Businesses

    This report was discontinued following the NISRA Outputs Consultation.

    Latest release

    Published 9 June 2023.

    Further information

    Previous releases

    Time Burden to Households and Individuals

    This report was discontinued following the User Consultation on the Survey Burden reports.

    Latest release

    Published 10 June 2022.

    Previous releases

    Further Information

    User Consultation on Survey Burden Reports

    An online consultation seeking users’ views on proposals to reduce the content of the ‘Cost to Business’ report and discontinue the ‘Burden on Households & Individuals’ report was held between 21 December 2022 and 15 February 2023. The responses from the consultation were supportive of the proposals, which was consistent with the feedback received from other user engagement.

    As a result, the ‘Burden on Households & Individuals’ report for 2020-21 is the last in the series, and the 2021-22 'Cost to Business' report only includes analyses at the Northern Ireland level and a single breakdown by Department. The downloadable data, published alongside the report, enables users to replicate the missing analysis.

    A full write-up of the responses and actions taken as a result of the feedback is available in the Outcome of User Consultation on Survey Burden Reports document.

    NISRA Outputs Consultation: Cost to Business report

    A further consultation took place between 23 August 2023 and 15 October 2023 seeking users’ and stakeholders’ views on proposed changes to help NISRA to address the financial constraints imposed by the budget settlement for 2023-24, whilst minimising the impact on users and stakeholders. A proposal to suspend the ‘Cost to Business’ report until further notice was included within this consultation.

    Based on the responses and further discussions with the Statistics Advisory Committee, who are a key user, it was decided to discontinue the report. The responses to this consultation and the previous consultation indicated that usage of the ‘Cost to Business’ report was low, particularly when compared with other outputs that NISRA produced. In addition, the data collection for this report imposed a significant burden on Government Departments and Arm’s Length bodies, as well as NISRA statisticians who coordinated the data collection locally within Departments.

    A full write-up of the responses and actions taken as a result of the feedback is available in the NISRA Outputs Consultation Response Report.