Excess mortality & Covid-19 related deaths

These bulletins provide provisional statistics on excess mortality in NI since Mar 2020.

ONS published a methodology paper on 20 February 2024 outlining the new, agreed model for estimating excess deaths along with data tables giving a back series of excess deaths data based on the new approach. ONS have also published a blog detailing the background to this work.
To supplement the ONS documents, NISRA produced a summary information paper on the change in methodology and the impact to NI excess deaths specifically. In addition, for user convenience, the NI specific data published by ONS has been extracted into separate tables and are available alongside the information paper. The extracted dataset contains the most up to date estimates of expected and excess deaths based on the old and new methods.

They contain breakdown by age, sex, place of death and different geographical areas including Local Government Districts, area deprivation and urban/rural residence. In addition, excess mortality by cause of death is also included. 

Excess mortality and Covid-19 related deaths - March 2020 to December 2022

Earlier reports can be found using the links below:  

Excess mortality and Covid-19 related deaths - March 2020 to August 2022

Excess mortality and Covid-19 related deaths - March 2020 to December 2021

Excess mortality and Covid-19 related deaths - March to December 2020

Excess mortality and Covid-19 related deaths - March to June 2020