2984 publications
2011 Census - User Satisfaction Survey Summary Report
Download the 2011 Census User Satisfaction Survey report.
MRSA Deaths 2006-2015
CDIFF Deaths 2006-2015
2011 Census - Infographics for Parliamentary Constituencies in Northern Ireland
Download summary infographics from the 2011 Census for Parliamentary Constituencies in Northern Ireland.
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1st January 2015
Cost to Business of Completing Statistical Surveys 2013/2014
NI Statistical Surveys - Assessment of Cost Burden 2013-14
Cost to businesses in 2013/14 of complying with statutory and voluntary government statistical surveys in Northern Ireland
Wellbeing in Northern Ireland - March 2015
Northern Ireland data for the ONS wellbeing measures.
NISRA Business Plan 2015-16
NISRA’s operational business plan for 2015-16 is a one year standalone plan that draws on the strategic themes set out in our 2012-15 Corporate Plan.
Registrar General Quarterly Tables 2014
UK Petroleum Industry - deliveries to Northern Ireland 1983-2014
UK petroleum industry deliveries to NI 2014 and petroleum statistics revisions policy.
2011 Census - Local Characteristics on Travel to Work or Place of Study for Northern Ireland
Download Local Characteristics table layouts on the topic of travel to work or place of study.
2011 Census - Workplace and Daytime Population (Distance Travelled)
Workplace and Daytime Population (Distance Travelled)
2011 Census - Detailed Characteristics on Travel to Work or Place of Study for Northern Ireland
Download Detailed Characteristics table layouts on the topic of travel to work or place of study.
Census Advisory Group - Members
Census Advisory Group (CAG) meetings are usually held twice a year and have continued throughout the development of the 2011 Census.
Census Advisory Group Minutes - 25 February 2015
CAG minutes and update papers from 25 February 2015 are available to download.
2011 Census - Infographics for Northern Ireland
Download infographics from the 2011 Census for Northern Ireland.
Visitors to Ireland and Northern Ireland 2014: A Statistical Profile of Tourism
Pay Statistics for the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 2014
An overview of the Northern Ireland Civil Service pay statistics as at March 2014.
2011 Census - Daytime Population Statistics for Northern Ireland
Alternative population statistics providing estimates of the number and characteristics of the daytime population of Northern Ireland.